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Governor (Governor Trilogy 1) Page 21

  I sigh. “Yes, you told me so, Sir.”

  “Told him what?” Susa asks.

  “That you’d be okay with this,” Carter says. “He was worried you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” She pets my head. “It’d take a lot more than this to make me walk away from you two. I don’t think you’re capable of doing anything that bad, either.” She continues stroking my head, and it feels like pure heaven. “What kind of play am I allowed to do with him?”

  I draw in an eager, shuddering breath.

  “Whatever you want, within our hard limits,” Carter says. “With the caveat that nothing you do can expose him to being discovered by someone else. He will always be able to safeword for something outside his hard limits, or something that disobeys an order, rule, or protocol I’ve given him.”

  “Fair enough,” she says. “And he’s not allowed to text that bitch anymore?”

  Panic flares in me. I realize I haven’t texted my mom since Friday.

  Carter’s hand appears in the middle of my back, keeping me in place, as if he read my mind and realized I was about to sit up.

  “Stay, boy,” he firmly orders. “I’ll give you that one, because I think you just remembered you haven’t texted your mom this weekend.”


  Carter’s talking to Susa. “He’s still going to be texting her, but I’m going to step back the frequency. I promised him he’s staying with me during semester breaks.”

  “Well, that’s easy to deal with,” she says. “You’ll both stay here, with me.”

  “What will your parents say?” he asks.

  She snorts. “Not a damn thing, because it’s none of their business. This is my house. It’s in my name. I’m an adult. They know you’re friends of mine. If they didn’t trust me to make sound decisions, then they shouldn’t have given me my own house, a trust fund, and taught me how to manage my money, now, should they?”

  He snickers. “You are a unique woman, Susa.”

  “I try.” Her hand is still on my head, her fingers playing with my hair.

  “Except you don’t have guest beds,” Carter notes.

  “Well, not like I can’t go shopping.” The feel of her fingers in my hair has driven me even deeper into that sweet mental vacation. “When can he sit up?”

  “With permission.”

  “Can I give him permission?”

  He must have nodded, because Susa pats my head. “Sit up, sweetie. At Ease.”

  Carter’s hand disappears, as does Susa’s. I sit up and move into the position.

  She’s smiling. “Neither of you will go homeless as long as I’m around,” she says. “So if the bitch cuts you off, you let me handle her, huh?”

  Carter clears his throat, but he’s wearing that smirk.

  Susa sighs and playfully rolls her eyes. “Oh, fine. Let the sadist have all the fun.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I spend the next several days in a daze. Carter takes things easy on me with Susa now in the know and participating somewhat during our evenings together. I don’t have to be naked at Susa’s, but I do have to go shirtless. Carter tells me being naked in front of her is an eventual goal, so I’ll need to mentally work myself up to it.

  I get the feeling Susa and Carter have conversations about this without me around, because he doesn’t seem to want to push the issue too hard. Maybe she isn’t comfortable with me being naked, I don’t know.

  It doesn’t really matter, I suppose. I do what I’m told.

  I trust Sir, and Susa, by default.

  We haven’t done any domestic discipline in front of Susa, either. Or sexual…stuff. That happens in our room at the dorm, for now, but is also something Carter’s told me will eventually happen in front of her.

  Maybe even with her taking part, if she chooses to.

  He doesn’t tell her everything, though, only things she needs to know about me, about what he’s doing with me. I’ve been warned this is a marathon and not a sprint.

  I quickly grow used to being on my tether in our room. He develops a ritual about this, too. Carter takes it off me in the morning. I go to his bed—if I haven’t fallen asleep next to him in it—and kneel in Devotion to wake and greet him. Then he has me lay my head on the bed and scratches my scalp for a moment while I breathe and center myself. All the while, Carter softly talks to me, tells me what a good boy I am for him.

  I feel calmer than I have in years, and that’s not an exaggeration.

  Carter has me text Mom every other day now. She hasn’t replied to any of them, but he’s had a couple of text conversations with her, the contents of which he hasn’t volunteered to me.

  I haven’t asked.

  Maybe he’s blamed it on him and our studying, I don’t know.

  If he wants me to know, he’ll tell me.

  Right now, his pattern is that, during our morning shower, he jerks me off.

  I’ve even gotten better about speaking up and asking for it. He’s warned me that he will be transitioning us to a different schedule, but he outright admitted when I asked that, yes, it is positive reinforcement.

  He wants to reprogram my emotions.

  Yeah, like hell do I want him to stop.

  He only jerked off in front of me one time, on Wednesday morning, with me pinned against the wall by the neck like he did that morning at Susa’s. He took care of me first, then himself. If he’s getting relief at other times, when I’m not in our room, he hasn’t said.

  I haven’t asked.


  I’m not ready to take that step at this time. I’m too busy trying to learn who I really am, figuring out this new phase of my life. No, he hasn’t pressed me about it, hasn’t asked me if I want to. He’s kept his word, even though he has to be aware that, at this point, if he did ask me, of course I’d most likely say yes.

  There’s not much I wouldn’t say yes to now, if he asked it of me.

  By Friday, I crave our morning ritual. I’m eager for us to work out, either a run or the exercise room, and get to the shower.

  I’m eager to get out of bed.


  Which is the thought that shocks me so much as it hits me during our post-run shower Friday morning that Carter notices and frowns.

  “What’s wrong, Owen?”

  I blink, shocked he used my real name. He calls me buddy around people in public, if anyone can hear, and boy when we’re alone or with Susa. “Huh?”

  “You just had a look. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Sir.”

  “Owen, that wasn’t a nothing look. Tell me.” He crosses his arms over his chest and stands there, waiting.

  I’m not even sure how to say it. “I guess I had a revelation, Sir.”

  He gives me “the look.” It doesn’t have a label, but everyone has one of their own.

  The quit-screwing-around-and-tell-me look.

  “I realized that, this week, I’ve been eager to get out of bed. Genuinely eager. Not just looking forward to something, like I used to look forward to spending time with Susa.”

  One corner of his mouth quirks up in a smile. “You’re enjoying this, then?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Even the tether?”

  My face heats, but I nod. “Yes, Sir.” I don’t know how to explain that, in a way, the tether is quickly becoming a comfort.

  I’m allowed to take it off if I need a shower, or to go out into the quad pod, but once I’m locked inside our room and naked, I immediately put it on, along with my leather cuffs and collar. If I’ll only be in our room for a short time, such as a few minutes between classes, I’m even allowed to put on only the right ankle cuff, with the tether hooked to it, and stay dressed.

  It reminds me of what I’m doing with Carter. That even when he’s not physically with me, he’s still in control and taking care of me.

  I’ve also noticed I’m blushing less frequently now when answering his probing ques
tions. He told me that uncomfortably personal discussions would get easier, and he’s right. They’re still uncomfortable, but I’m not always mumbling my way through them like I used to.

  “Excellent. Wait here.” He steps out of the shower and returns a moment later with lube, a glove…

  And the vibrating butt plug.

  Oh, shit.

  He looks at me as he pulls the glove on. “Turn.”

  I do, bracing my hands against the wall and assuming the position I know he wants me in. Every morning, another part of our routine is he plays with my ass, even if only briefly, usually right before he jerks me off.

  Operant conditioning, FTW.


  He’s also been working with me with the butt plugs at night, putting one in when we return from Susa’s and then allowing me to take it out before we go to bed. I’ve worked up to this one, but he hasn’t turned it on yet while I wear it.

  I wonder if I’ll be allowed to come this morning after all.

  My cock jerks and twitches as his fingers lube me. Yeah, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy this part, too. I’ve become intimately acquainted with how good it feels to have him playing with me like that. He’s already warned me he plans to add prostate milking to our future play, between semesters, when we’ll have more privacy at Susa’s.

  I looked it up.

  Yeeeeeaaah. Honestly? I can’t wait. There is something so freeing about not having any control over this, and it’s a sweet irony I’m clinging to and hoping never ends.

  I suck in a sharp breath as he starts fucking the toy into me. Then comes the uncomfortable, pinching burn before the widest part passes through and it’s seated inside me. I hear him strip off the glove and he leans out to toss it in the garbage can.

  Before I really have a chance to get used to it, he turns me to face him and pins me to the wall, his left forearm over my throat.

  “You may come, boy.” But in his right hand is the controller.

  I can’t completely contain my shocked yelp as it bursts to life inside me, my hard cock immediately jerking as the toy throbs against my sweet spot.

  Aching pleasure rolls through my balls and I’m exploding before I can barely even process it. I struggle to keep my eyes open, on him.

  Carter wears a gleefully sadistic smile if I ever saw one.

  The toy shuts off.

  “Excellent,” he says, releasing me. “That’s exactly what I wanted to see happen. Good boy.”

  I’m slumped against the wall and gasping for breath. “Holy shit,” I mutter.

  He laughs and sets the controller outside the shower. “That stays in. Take lube with you. If you need to use the bathroom, take it out, do your thing, then put it back in. You may return here for lunch and take it out. And take a quick shower, if you feel you need one. Wash it, dry it, and put it away.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  His gaze narrows even as his grin turns predatory. “Oh, you thank me now, boy.”


  * * * *

  We walk to class together. This is our Florida Politics & Government class that we share with Susa.

  Walking with the toy inside me is a little uncomfortable at first, and Carter slows his pace to give me time to get used to it.

  He has also allowed me briefs today, thankfully, and I didn’t even have to ask for them.

  I’m not sure if that should worry me or not.

  Susa’s already there when we arrive, and has moved our desks into their usual positions. We always sit in the same place we ended up in that first morning, and we arrive early enough to get the seats we want.

  There are only two other students there besides us, and they’re sitting close to the front of the classroom.

  There’s something different about Susa’s smile this morning. I don’t know how to describe it. Almost…

  Oh, shit.

  She’s wearing a Carter smile if I ever saw one.

  “Good morning, Ma’am,” I quietly say, and she offers me her hand to kiss. Obviously, I can’t drop to my knees in front of her in public, so Carter came up with this alternate greeting.

  “Good morning, boy.”

  I turn to put my things down as Carter leans in to hug her and kiss her cheek, the way he always does. When I’ve settled in my desk—which takes me a moment to get comfortable—I realize Susa’s eagerly watching me.

  While her right hand is in her lap, it looks like she’s holding something.

  Oh, fu—

  I somehow manage to remain silent when the toy hums to life inside me. Not the intense, pounding throb of in the shower, but it hardens my cock and—

  It shuts off.

  I’m looking Susa in her blue eyes and the way they’re now narrowed at the outer edges tells me everything I need to know.

  She’s in charge.

  I stare at her for a long moment before my gaze shifts to Carter.

  He’s sitting back in his desk and, yes, wearing that smirk. He glances Susa’s direction before cutting back to me, his meaning clear.

  You okay with this?

  Then he arches an eyebrow in silent query.

  For a long moment I hold his gaze, knowing he’s awaiting my next indication if this is a go or no-go.

  This is my chance to shake my head and I know he’ll take the controller back and not do anything with it.


  I nod, once.

  He leans in, indicating for me to lean in, too.

  “Good boy,” he whispers in my ear, reaching up to ruffle my hair.

  I look at Susa, who while her hand is still in her lap, lets me see that, yes, she does now, in fact, have the controller.

  I’d kill to keep receiving the pleased smile she gives me, and the silent good boy she mouths before sitting back and opening her text book to glance through today’s lesson one last time.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I receive two more jolts from the vibrator, on that same gentle humming setting, before the instructor arrives to start class.

  Nothing during class, though.

  During class, Susa, and Carter, are all business, focused on the instructor.

  I do my best and hope they’ll go over their notes with me later. I know they said nothing we did would interfere with our schoolwork, but since they can tutor me in this class—hell, Susa should be teaching this class—I’m sure this won’t be the norm.

  At least, I’m hoping it won’t be the norm, because I’ll never be able to focus if it is. Hopefully, it’s simply a step toward the next phase of whatever this is between the three of us.

  I’d be lying if I said a huge part of me wasn’t looking forward to the future, because I am.

  At the end of class I stand, but Carter stays me with a look while the room empties, leaving the three of us. Without a word, he motions for me to follow him.

  Susa falls in behind us.

  He leads us down the hallway to a stairwell at the far end of that floor, one that’s open for general use but which receives little foot traffic when the elevators and a larger stairwell in the center of the building are far more accessible and convenient for most people.

  Once the door to the stairwell closes behind us and Carter verifies we’re alone in there, he takes my backpack from me and sets it on the floor with his, then pins me against the wall with his left forearm across my neck.

  Operant conditioning is a bitch. My cock has hardened, between this and the toy inside me.

  “Ask her,” Carter softly orders.

  My hands hold his arm, the way I always do in the shower when we do this. Susa stands there wearing an evil grin and holding up the controller. I’m simultaneously horrified and turned on beyond measure.

  “Please, Ma’am,” I hear myself whisper.

  “Eyes on her, boy,” Carter says, his gaze never leaving me. Carter covers my mouth with his right hand. “Give it to him.”

  Susa makes sure I can see her thum
b the controller.

  Thank god Carter’s hand is covering my mouth. The toy explodes to life inside me as it did earlier in the shower, and I have no choice but to climax right there. I come almost immediately, whimpering as my cock jerks and throbs and spills in my briefs while I desperately struggle to stay upright.

  Thank god the bastard gave me briefs.

  Note to self—underwear might mean a blessing or a curse.

  Or, in this case, both.

  After a moment, she shuts the toy off, leaving me gasping and trembling where Carter holds me in place.

  Her smile now looks sweetly angelic. Carter uncovers my mouth but keeps me pinned against the wall.

  “What do you say, boy?” Carter whispers.

  “Thank you, Ma’am.”

  She leans in and nuzzles her nose against mine, pausing before pressing a kiss to the tip of it. “You’re very welcome. You’re my very good boy.”

  My heart gallops even harder at that, and it takes every ounce of energy I have not to burst into happy tears.

  Carter releases me, pulling me in for a long, strong hug while Susa hugs me from behind. Finally, Carter pats me on the back and ends the embrace. “Good boy,” he says. “Go clean up in the bathroom and get to your next class.”

  Susa starts to hand the controller back to Carter, but he smiles. “No, you hold on to that.” His gaze meets mine. “You’ll need it tonight when we come over for dinner.”


  I swallow hard, both dreading and eagerly anticipating tonight.

  * * * *

  I somehow manage to make it through the rest of my classes without fucking things up too terribly. Thank god I didn’t have any tests today.

  When Carter arrives at our room after his last class, he lets himself in and is pleased to see me naked and tethered. He walks over to me, where I’m sitting on my bed studying, and ruffles my hair.

  “Good boy. Let’s get ready to go. Shorts and T-shirt. Commando.”

  I don’t know if that means I can relax a little, or if it means I’ll be stripped and played with once we reach Susa’s.